Student Advisory Board

The Virginia Tech Emergency Management Student Advisory Board was formed in partnership with the SGA of Virginia Tech to create open dialogue between student representatives and Emergency Management.
The board’s mission is to help Emergency Management broaden students’ knowledge of important emergency preparedness issues in order to create a more resilient campus community. Board members function as emergency preparedness advocates by representing student interests in the development of Emergency Management's outreach campaigns and programs.
When does the board meet? What are meetings like?
Twice a month (or six times each semester) to swap ideas, attend trainings, and volunteer at VTEM outreach events. During meetings, Student Advisory Board members will have a chance to:
- Participate in emergency preparedness and emergency response activities, and learn about the ongoing preparedness efforts of the university.
- Give candid feedback on student preparedness campaigns in order to create programs that address students’ wants and needs.
- Engage in group-discussions with students from across the university, and learn about perspectives on emergency preparedness that they may not encounter anywhere else.
- Provide suggestions for events and activities that promote the importance of emergency preparedness, and actively participate in the planning and execution of those events.
Why does the Student Advisory Board matter?
The Student Advisory Board feedback directly shapes how the issue of emergency preparedness is shared with the Virginia Tech community. This is your opportunity to represent the student body’s perspective, learn more about the preparedness efforts of the university, and promote a more resilient community.
How do I join?
Registration opens at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. Please contact Emergency Management at for more details.