Pet Kit

Pet Go Kit
Ready to grab and go with you in an evacuation. Label each item with indelible ink.
- The Pet ID Pack (one for each pet), including identification and health records
- A cage, carrier or crate (one for each pet) large enough for the pet to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Allow room for a food and water dish (and litter pan if appropriate)
- A proper-fitting collar or harness, to be worn AT ALL TIMES
- A sturdy six-foot leash, to be readily available AT ALL TIMES
- Identification and current rabies tags affixed to the collar
- First aid kit
- Make sure identification tags or tape are as weather-proof and as securely fastened as possible to your pet’s collar and to its carrier, cage, or crate. Include your name, address, and contact information as well as contact information for a “buddy,” a reliable friend or relative far from the disaster site.
- At least a three-day supply of food, the kind your pet is used to eating. If your pet eats canned food, have ready a reserve of cans that are small enough for one feeding per can. During an emergency, there may be no way to refrigerate leftovers. Store ready-to-go food in an airtight, waterproof container and rotate the contents at least every three months.
- At least a three-day supply of water
- A 10-pound animal drinks about one pint (16 fluid ounces) of water per day
- A 20-pound animal drinks about one quart of water per day
- A 50-pound animal drinks about a half-gallon of water per day
- At least a three-day supply of any regular medications
- Three bowls (one for food, one for water, and one spare) for each pet, plus measuring spoons, scoops, or manual can opener
- Bedding and litter material (such as a litter box, bagged kitty litter or clean newspaper) sufficient for at least three days
- Pet comfort items such as towels, blankets, or toys
- Plastic bags, paper towels, disinfectant for clean-up
- Flashlights, batteries
Pet ID Pack (one for each pet)
- Proof of pet ownership, such as copies of adoption papers, registration papers, proof of purchase, microchip/tattoo numbers or registry phone numbers. List each animal, indicating its species/breed, age, sex, whether neutered/spayed, color, and distinguishing characteristics.
- A recent photo of the pet and its owner.
- A copy of the pet’s current medical records, including its vaccination history (types of vaccines and dates given), current rabies certificate, important test results (e.g., FeLV, FIV, Heartworm), and existing medical problems.
- Current prescriptions. List each animal separately along with the name of that pet’s medication, the dose and frequency given. Provide veterinary hospital and pharmacy telephone numbers for refills.
- Contact information for a “buddy”, a reliable friend or relative who lives reasonably far away (for example, in a place unlikely to be flooded under the same conditions as yours).
- Any special care instructions, detailed enough for animal care or rescue workers to follow. Record the diet for each animal, including what NOT TO FEED, in case of allergies